Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 2010

Well it February already and almost Valentine's Day. Kathryn ahd a party at school and came home with loads of Valentine's and treats. Kathryn had to get glasses recently and is doing well with them so far. Soon we will be attending a Kindergarten night for Kathryn. It's hard to believe she will be in Kindergarten come September. Erin is getting so big and is doing so much. No walking yet but it is only a matter of time. She will walk fast while holding your hand but not alone. She plays with her sister alot if Kathryn will let her. She recently started tattling on Kathryn. She points at her sister and says"mama mama" and just keeps pointing till I look at what Kathryn is doing. How funny, huh? As far as the family goes as a whole we are all doing well. Kids keep mommy busy and work keeps daddy busy.

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