Saturday, February 13, 2010


Erin Christmas morning
Kathryn with her stocking
Erin loved all of the boxes more than the gifts
Kathryn was excited to get her Zhu Zhu Pets

Her first Zhu Zhu Pet
Playdoh set - Kathryn loves Playdoh

Mommy and Erin
Nana and Papa Newberger with Kathryn and Erin
Christmas was great. It didn't take us too long to open presents this year. Once again we got the kids too much. I would like to say thank you to our family that sent gifts and gift cards for the kids. It was very kind of you all. The kids had so much fun with their gifts. Kathryn was excited about her Zhu Zhu pets and so was Erin. Erin turned 1 earlier in December.

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