Monday, October 29, 2007

Pumpkin carving - October 27th

First off I want to mention these photos are not on order. Blogger only allows so many to be posted at a time.
This was so exciting for me and Kathryn. It was great drawing faces on the pumpkins and seeing Kathryn's reactions to it when I cut them out. She was such a little helper, helping me clean out the pumpkins. Nana baked pumpkin seeds after we were done and then Kathryn helped put the pumpkins outside. We made two Jack-o-lanterns. They are now outside and when Halloween comes we will light a candle in them. This is such a fun event for Kathryn. I can't wait to take her trick-or-treating and to get plenty of pictures of her.

Grandpa and me

Grandpa's little girl. Kathryn really loves her grandpa and she'll knock on his door first thing in the morning just to see him. She likes making breakfast and lunch with him. They go for walks together outside and even go driving together. She is just all smiles when grandpa is around. How cute !

Halloween party - October 19th

Mommy look, rice !
EWWW bugs mommy !
Mommy see the bug !
Kathryn loves parties. She stuck the nose on the pumpkin, went hunting for candy in the rice and checked out the bugs in the spaghetti. The rice was her favorite. it wasn't the candy hiddne inside the rice that she liked. LOL ! She was dressed as a garden fairy.

Daddy's ( David's) Birthday - October 22nd

Well we celebrated it on the 21st but it actually is the 22nd. Kathryn had lots of fun helping Daddy blow out the candles. The cake was great too. Happy Birthday Daddy ! Mommy and I love you very much !