Monday, December 07, 2009

Kathryn"s frosting face 12-06-09

I thought this deserved it's own post. Kathryn is our little comedian in the family. She does things just to make people laugh. She drew pictures the other day and got upset because people weren't laughing, It is very important to her to make us happy. She is very caring , cuddly when she wants to be and very creative. I always tell David that she reminds me of myself. I also find myself calling her Maria sometimes because she reminds me of my youngest sister. Kathryn is a hoot to be around and she keep yah going to. Also it is very hard to parent her because she is also very smart. I try to do my best but she likes to find loopholes in things and to call me on things when she thinks I'm being unfare. I think she'll make a great lawyer or doctor someday. We'll see !

Erin's 1st birthday

Erin Nicole
1 Year old

( mommy speaking ) I can't believe a year has gone by already. Our youngest is 1 already. Where does the time go? I am lucky to be at home with her an watch her do her thing. The rolling over, the crawling, the standing up and eventually the walking. I caught Erin yesterday trying to stand up by herslef. She got up on her hands and kness and then into a bear crawling position and then lifted her hands up off of the floor and then she fell on her bottom. But it was so cute to watch.

How Kathryn and Erin interact. Kathryn teases Erin and takes things away from her and Erin growls or cries depending on time of day ( tired time). They also hug each other and play with each other but it is when Kathryn chooses too. I know there is a difference in years but I think once Erin starts walking Kathryn will be more interested in her. I told Kathryn abought Erin's birthday coming up and she asks me : "Then can she walk?" It's moments like these that keep you gowing when the big one won't stop bothering the little one and making her cry.

Erin had an eventful birthday party. She loved all of her gifts and had lots of fun. She especially loved the cake.

This is the after picture. Look below for the before pitures. I just had to show this first so you can guess how it happened.

Erin: " I want this piece right here. You don't mind if I just take it now do you?"

Erin is wondering what's happening. She'll know soon enough. Look at next photo.

Erin shocked ! "Wow ! Are those for me!"

Bog sister Kathryn giving Erin a hand unwrapping presents. She loves her big sister.

Erin and Mommy

"What is this stuff?" She played with the ribbon for a few minutes before we could unwrap the gift. I wonder why we buy them gifts sometimes when they are always more amused with the boxed, bows, ribbon and wrapping paer. We should just wrap them in brown paper and that's all.

Erin was saying "OOOOOOO" "OOOOOO" and pointing and hitting the box. How cute !

Another "OOOOOOO" moment

We wanted to say thank you to uncle Dale for the Target gift card. We got Erin a play purse and a lady bug ball spinnner. She loves them both. Thank you Uncle Dale !

I thought I would add in some of Erin's cuite little faces. Hope you like them. They always make us smile !

Erin watching siter and the ball popper. Kathryn get overly excited about it and Erin wonders what going on.

Erin trying to eat ball

Erin playing with ball popper

Erin eating Kathryn's donut

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving was plentiful this year. We had very full bellies when we were done. Erin loved it too. It was her first Thankgiving this year. She didn't know what to think of it but she loved the food. We all took a nice nap after eating.