Monday, October 19, 2009

Mommy and her girls

Smile !

Sleeping Princess

She who never sleeps. I went in to wake her up and found her like this. I just had to get pictures. Afterwards she told me she was on her thrown and feel asleep as she was sitting there ruling her kingdom.

Snow in October 2009

Yep you are seeing the photo right. The leaves are still on the tree and in fall colors.

The kids had so much fun. kathryn made snow angels and climbed the hill. We also had a snowball fight and included Erin. That is why she is smiling in one picture. She is actually laughing after Kathryn threw a snowball at her.

Erin's trying to stand

She loves pointing at things.

Look at the tongue !
That's the bus she sits on to help her stand up. Funny !

Little Erin is trying to stand already. She will stand holding on and is starting to cruise but she will stand up in the middle of her playpen and then fall down. So cute seeing her stand with her legs in a half split position. I catch her sitting on the little peoples school bus and then she lifts off from there. Won't be long I think ! I know she just adores Katrhyn and is already following her around by crawling. Kathryn isn't too happy with this and she really wants Erin to start walking. Uh-Oh!

Kathryn's learning to write

For some reason I can't add any phtots right now. I just wanted to show you all a photo of Kathryn with writing on her hand. She made 2 jellyfish ( Spongebob style) a number 4 and a 7( it's backward but it's the first I've ever seen her write letters). We have those write on wipe of things at home where she can trace letters and number and then wipe them off but I have a hard time getting her to use them. Maybe things will start to change. Kathryn is in preschool now (4and5s class) and they are workign on writing letters. They also have us participating in a read at home program so the kids pick out a book every week to bring home and then return for another. Keeping busy with learning. We just picked up a bunch of leve 1 and pre level 1 reading books for Kathryn. Also she loves I love seeing her so involved.