Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 2010

Well it February already and almost Valentine's Day. Kathryn ahd a party at school and came home with loads of Valentine's and treats. Kathryn had to get glasses recently and is doing well with them so far. Soon we will be attending a Kindergarten night for Kathryn. It's hard to believe she will be in Kindergarten come September. Erin is getting so big and is doing so much. No walking yet but it is only a matter of time. She will walk fast while holding your hand but not alone. She plays with her sister alot if Kathryn will let her. She recently started tattling on Kathryn. She points at her sister and says"mama mama" and just keeps pointing till I look at what Kathryn is doing. How funny, huh? As far as the family goes as a whole we are all doing well. Kids keep mommy busy and work keeps daddy busy.


Erin Christmas morning
Kathryn with her stocking
Erin loved all of the boxes more than the gifts
Kathryn was excited to get her Zhu Zhu Pets

Her first Zhu Zhu Pet
Playdoh set - Kathryn loves Playdoh

Mommy and Erin
Nana and Papa Newberger with Kathryn and Erin
Christmas was great. It didn't take us too long to open presents this year. Once again we got the kids too much. I would like to say thank you to our family that sent gifts and gift cards for the kids. It was very kind of you all. The kids had so much fun with their gifts. Kathryn was excited about her Zhu Zhu pets and so was Erin. Erin turned 1 earlier in December.

Kathryn sledding & Erin watching - Dec 2009

Kathryn had lots of fun sledding, making snow angels and throwing snowballs at siter and mommy. Don't worry mommy got her back.

Kathryn's Holiday show Dec 2009

The kids made gifts for the parents. Inside of the decorate envelopes you see is a picture of Kathryn in a heart frame. How cute ! We put it away for safe keeping.

The kids are sleeping waiting for Sanata to come.

Our cute little reindeer

Kathryn was sad because she wanted to be with mommy and not on stage in front of everyone.

Erin enjoyed the cookies that we had a t the cookie party before the show

A little attitude