Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Seven Months Old - January 23, 2006

Kathryn just loves her picture being taken.

Lots to say!!! let's see where to begin. Well Kathryn is doing well with her food. She now eats biter biscuits, bread, and Cheerio type baby snacks.

Kathryn can crawl faster now. She has been crawling since the end of her sixth month, like the last week. That's why I didn't post it till now. Kathryn also pushes herself onto her tippy toes while in the crawling position. She bounces while holding her and in her little excersaucer.

Kathryn also says baba, mama and mmmmm when she eats food. She just started trying to pull heself up in her crib 2/12/06. She can stand if you hold her hands and stand in her crib if you put her hands on the rail.

Good Job Kathryn !!!!

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